WARNING - These tips and tutorials are for informational purposes only. Please follow proper safety procedures when using tools. We assume no responsibility if you try one of these and blow yourself up or something else. Please use common sense! :)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Halloween 2014

Ok, so I am supposed to be cleaning house, but I have been watching Halloween how-to videos all morning. I ran across this guy from Still beast Studios and he has some pretty amazing prop & costume videos. I have a few cheap dollar store skulls & I would like to jazz 'em up a bit... This guy used a pretty simple process to "decay" a cheap skull...gonna have to give it a try!!!

He also made "teeth plates" from glue to add to his skulls.. I had only clear hot glue & paint, but the effect is still pretty awesome! So...I'm posting a link to his teeth video, & a picture of how mine turned out...pretty kewl!!
Teeth How-To:
This is how my teeth turned out!!
ok, so I am supposed to be cleaning house, but I have been watching Halloween how-to videos all morning. I ran across this guy from Still beast Studios and he has some pretty amazing prop & costume videos. I have a few cheap dollar store skulls I would like to jazz 'em up a bit... This guy used a pretty simple process to "decay" a cheap skull...gonna have to try it... He also made "teeth plates" from glue to add to his skulls.. I had only clear hot glue & paint, but the effect is still pretty awesome! So...I'm posting a link to his teeth video, & a picture of how mine turned out...pretty kewl!!

Decay How-To: