WARNING - These tips and tutorials are for informational purposes only. Please follow proper safety procedures when using tools. We assume no responsibility if you try one of these and blow yourself up or something else. Please use common sense! :)

Thursday, May 30, 2013


We made candles from old PVC pipe and swim noodles we had lying around. Added a little hot glue and some paint!

We started by cutting the PVC into different sizes with a saw.
Next, we cut the swim noodle in half with a knife.
We used battery operated tea lights, so use that to judge how much to cut your noodle, you will want the noodle shorter than your pipe, leaving enough room for your tea light to sit "flush" with your pipe.

You then need to go around the top with the hot glue. You will need to let it drip, and run. You may have to do several times around to build it up. Don't forget not to get it too close on the top, or your tea light will not fit inside the pipe!! 

Then spray paint with white paint, if you choose, then add tea lights!! You can leave them single candles and arrange them how you want every time, or you can affix them to a board so that you just have one single arrangement. My friend made these with black PVC pipe and Hot Blood Stix and they looked equally as cool!!! I will tell you, I do not put these away after halloween. I use them in my Christmas decorations and even when the electricity goes out!!

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